Meet Benjamin Stobbe

Benjamin Stobbe is an electrical power engineer and consultant at Ventolines. Can you tell us a bit more about what it is that you do? “I work on the electrical infrastructure of projects, from the turbine to the grid connection with the grid operator. This ranges from medium voltage (Liander, Enexis, Stedin) to high voltage (TenneT). I spend my time preparing initial preliminary designs and technical contracts, checking electrical designs and calculations, managing electrical interfaces and supervising electrical works. My responsibilities also include testing and attending tests of key components. Most importantly, I have to be able to explain all this to the customer. Because my work is so dynamic, I get to work in the field, as well as in the office. “
“We work on amazing projects, with experts from all fields. We depend on each other to achieve our goal, so everyone is willing to collaborate.”
Was it a conscious choice to work in the renewable energy industry? “Yes, I have always been interested in renewable energy, and I wanted to contribute to the energy transition. Working in the renewable energy sector made sense. I thought to myself: I can make a difference, so I should. Ideally, I wanted to do something tangible and renewable energy projects are an excellent example of that.”
“When I started at Ventolines in 2019, I was one of the first electrical engineers. I was able to make an impact in my position, partly due to the flat organizational structure. However, there were also challenges. Occasionally, I would miss having colleagues with the same expertise. After three years, I still enjoy what I do! I work on remarkable projects, like Windpark Fryslân, Windpark Hattemerbroek, Windplan Groen and the Closed Distribution System Groen. How cool is it that I have contributed to these projects?”
You seem very passionate about your job, what else are you enthusiastic about? “Many things! After all there is much more to life than electrical engineering. Social activities, having fun and creating a positive working atmosphere are other things I enjoy. It was only logical that I joined the party committe soon after I started at Ventolines. With several colleagues we organise drinks, events and team building activities.”
“Ventolines is very involved in the energy transition, we like to make ourselves available for site visits with clients, local residents and students. We hope to inspire not only all stakeholders, but also future generations.
“I enjoy contributing to the energy transition and making the world a better place. That is what renewable energy means to me, ensuring that future generations can enjoy the world like we do. This is where a combination of solar, wind, water and energy storage will play a significant role. We will only solve this problem if we work together, which is why it is such a challenge. As Ventolines, we want to contribute to that, think for example about drafting market standards, or agreements that allow for wind, solar and storage projects to share a grid connection.”
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