Dronter Energy Storage

About this project

In the rural area of the municipality of Dronten, the Dronter Energy Storage (in Dutch: “Dronter Energie Opslag” – DEO) project is planned, a large-scale energy storage system north of the Windplan Groen substation. The planning area covers approximately 6 hectares. This initiative is led by GreenPowerBank Dronten B.V. (Begro), Pure Energie Batterij Groen B.V., and FlevoBESS B.V.. The initiative provides storage capacity for sustainably generated electricity. The energy storage system will help to deliver the generated power from Windplan Groen more smoothly into the national high-voltage grid, reducing peaks and lows resulting from weather-dependent production in the electricity grid. It fits into the growing need for flexibility in the electricity market and contributes to the transition to a robust, stable, and sustainable energy supply in the Netherlands. Ventolines is responsible for the development of this project.

The project consists of two phases, with the planning area in the first phase being equipped with an energy storage system with a capacity of approximately 100 megawatts (MW). Currently, work is being done on this first phase, which covers an area of 3 hectares. The second phase, also covering an area of 3 hectares, will start later. The planning area is divided into three plots of land as shown on the map above, with each plot being developed by one of the three initiators. In the development phase, Ventolines takes care of:

  • Establishing the cooperation between the 3 initiators and the associated land agreements.
  • Coordinating the procedure for the change of land use plan and applying for the environmental permits. The draft land use plan was available for inspection from December 20, 2023, to January 30, 2024. No objections were filed against it. The municipality is currently preparing the adoption of the final land use plan in the municipal council.
  • Agreeing on the Connection and Transport Agreement between the 3 initiators and the closed distribution station of Windplan Groen (GDG) and organizing the accompanying EMS system.
  • Engineering and contracting of all joint facilities, such as cables for grid connection, roads, water management, and landscape integration. In addition, Ventolines provides legal structuring and establishment of the joint entity.



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