Energy park Duurzaam Tolhuislanden
About this project
In Tolhuislanden, a rural area within the municipality of Zwolle, residents and landowners are collaborating on an ambitious project to promote sustainable energy. This energy project, comprising three wind turbines with a combined capacity of approximately 20 MW, complemented by a solar park of about 7 MW, is located along the edge of the Hessenpoort industrial estate. This initiative offers the local community the opportunity to actively contribute to the region’s sustainability while retaining control over its development.
Coöperatie Duurzaam Tolhuislanden
Coöperatie Duurzaam Tolhuislanden was established in 2020 and consists of a collaboration between local residents and landowners. A key feature of this initiative is that members of the cooperative, most of whom are from the immediate area, collectively own the project.
Guided by a project team comprising Ventolines, Pondera, and a local advisor, the cooperative developed a plan that not only generates energy but also carefully considers the surrounding environment. Key considerations included preserving the openness of the landscape, protecting agricultural functions, and minimising disruption for nearby residents.
In collaboration with a working group formed by cooperative members, several layout options were explored during the preparatory phase. Potential locations for the wind turbines and solar fields within the Tolhuislanden area were assessed. Eight research variants emerged from this exploration, addressing crucial aspects such as the impact on residents (e.g., noise, shadow flicker, and visibility), ecological effects (particularly concerning meadow birds in the area), contributions to the municipality’s sustainability objectives, and financial feasibility.
Ultimately, in 2022, the cooperative’s members selected a preferred layout: three wind turbines and a solar park along the edge of the Hessenpoort industrial estate. Construction is expected to commence in the second quarter of 2027, with completion anticipated in the first quarter of 2028. The necessary SDE++ subsidy will be applied for, with the SDE++ application round expected to take place in autumn 2025.
In preparation for the project’s realisation, ongoing studies are exploring ways the project could further contribute to significant local developments. For example, a partnership with the water board is being considered, where the generated electricity could support the region’s energy needs and contribute to sustainable water management.
The role of Ventolines
Ventolines plays a vital role in the realisation of this project, supporting the cooperative in various areas, including project development, legal services, financial advice, and energy market consultancy. Moreover, Ventolines has actively guided the cooperative’s members, assisting the General Assembly (ALV) in making key decisions by providing information, investigating options with them through working groups, and meticulously preparing decision-making processes.
Additionally, Ventolines’ team has played a coordinating role with various partners and informing local residents and other stakeholders. Their extensive expertise and experience have contributed to a robust foundation for the project’s development, with a focus on the interests of the local community and a sustainable future.
Would you like more information about Energiepark Duurzaam Tolhuislanden? Then visit the website from Tolhuislanden.

